How to make your house sell with curb appeal!


Outside Counts!

Homes with a first glance “WOW” factor do better in ANY market.   PERIOD!  This draws potential buyers in to see what really counts, potentially, their future.

Curb appeal is not only essential for the potential drive by buyer but it is the first on the show list for any realtor.

If you have neglected the exterior of you home these words will certainly follow, “Can only imagine what the inside must look like!”  “Move On”.   You only get one chance to make a first impression.

Homes that ooze curb appeal often have multiple offers, which mean for the seller the buyer is willing to make a higher offer for fear of another agent matching it up.

So the real question is how do we get “CURB APPEAL”

Take a picture of your home from the road or sidewalk.  This will instantly give you the curb appeal killers.   Then make a list of all the things that need to be done.  Act immediately.

Winning ideas:

Entrance- Front door; is it clean? Add a seasonal wreath; this says welcome.  Does the door bell work?

Front steps or Porch- Is it clear of spider webs etc, add pots of flowers or seasonal props (pumpkins for fall)   do not over do as this will only create a cluttered look.  (Less is more)

Landscaping- Make sure grass is freshly cut including edging, shrubs trimmed back exposing a neat layer of fresh mulch.

Fences- This is an area where paint brush is your friend. Look for areas that weather has taken its toll.

Light Fixtures- A can of spray paint can save you big bucks.  Clean and spray this will give the home a fresh twinkle.

Look in magazines for current ideas this will send you in the right direction and you might be surprised how this might inspire you, for your existing home and your future one.

Look for next month’s article, what sells once you bring your potential buyer  in”

When you ready to sell make sure you contact the realtors of the Kendle Team who will bring their experience and lowest listing rate in the New Albany, Westerville & Dublin area.

Heather Wilcox.

Home Consultant,

Interior Designer

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